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Story of

Before Origin

Before launching our own brand, we had the chance to work  in a well-known coffee roastery in Brussels for several years. A place were we met each other, learned everything we could about coffee and were our great passion begun.  

Yanesha, Our first coffee!

A few months later, our first bags from the Yanesha cooperative (Peru) arrived at the port of Antwerp! An excellent "Tipica" with hints of chocolate and caramel. The perfect match for a great start! 

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Two new coffees arrived
Kachalu & Cocagua!

After a few months of waiting, we finally received our first schipment from Kachalu (Colombia) & Cocagua (Guatemala)! Their intersting flavour-profile perfectly completes our range!   

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The "Atelier" becoming a bit to small, we moved to our new (real) factory on the border of Brussels and invested in a brand new specialty coffee roaster. We also introduced a new, more efficient, packaging for our coffee . Still 100% recyclable ! 

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Artisan label

We obtained the label "Certified Craft", a recognition of our passion for quality products and our traditional craftsmanship.

First step : meeting our future coffee producers

The first thing we had to do was to find some outstanding partner coffee cooperatives, so we did. We took a flight to Latin America  and met a lot of amazing passioned coffee producers who shared our ethical and sustainable values.

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First Market

"Small is beautiful!"

Armed with our small espresso machine, we started to sell our beans on our first market in Boitsfort (Brussels). An opprtunity for us to explain our great project and vision to our satisfied customers!

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A new partner,
Jaff joins Origin. Coffee!

Sharing the same passion and ambitions, we decided to join forces and continue the adventure as a team.  We started working together in our so-called "Atelier" (read "Garage". Yes, we know, it's cliché!)

BIO label !

Willing to prove to our customs that our sustainable values aren't just words, we decided to pass the organic certification for our entire range of coffees.

It all started with a passion...  a passion for this amazing product, a passion for the art of roasting each coffee bean to its full potential and creating a unique tasting experience within each cup. A few years of experience as coffee roasters and baristas permitted us to grow this passion to its fullest, but we realized we were missing out on something. We were focusing only on the small part we are playing on the vast journey of these delicious coffee beans we have the chance to savor every day. Our job, roasting and extracting, is a significant, yet small contribution to the quality of a cup of coffee. Why would we take all the credit for all the hard work necessary to offer such a high-quality product?


That’s why we decided to create our own brand, which would not only give importance to the roasting and the extraction but also to every other step along the value chain of our coffees. However, the coffee industry can be a very opaque, closed, and mysterious market… That’s why, unlike other roasters, we decided to start our adventure at the origins of coffee in the heart of the coffee plantations.


We organized a big trip in Latin America to meet many passionate coffee producers and learn about their way of working and their vision of the coffee culture. This trip gave us the opportunity to discover outstanding small coffee cooperatives that, besides producing top-quality coffees, had a real positive impact on the environment, sustainability, and the quality of life of local communities. Those wonderful human encounters allowed us to create trust-based relationships with our great partner cooperatives. After our trip, we started our small coffee roastery on the border of Brussels, where we roast our coffee with even more passion, respect, and precision than before.


That’s how, today, we are able to guarantee you a completely transparent, top-quality, sustainable, and ethical coffee that is produced, harvested, and roasted with love and passion.


+32  474 34 64 96

Bergensesteenweg 339,

1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

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